God Measures the Heart

Daily Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 19-21

Daily Focus Passage: Proverbs 21

We must never underestimate the intention of our hearts when it comes to the purity of our actions. The right action with the wrong intention still carries impurity because the intention comes from self-centered, fleshly motivation. Solomon declared in Proverbs 21:2, "All a person's ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the hearts." Solomon knew that what we do seems right but that the Lord judges our lives based on the condition of our hearts. Thus, the Lord measures the heart and not the actions.


Solomon knew that we would face the threat of justifying our actions by comparing them to others or using them to appease others or a situation. The action may appear good and righteous in people's eyes, but the heart's intent does not align. This reality becomes evident in the lives of the Pharisees. Their actions appear holy and righteous, but their hearts are focused on the self. When we begin to rest in our actions, we often ignore the condition of the heart and seek to use our actions to justify our righteousness and goodness.  


The Lord sees the actions of people and knows their hearts. The Lord measures the heart of people and not their actions. He knows that if the heart is correct, then the actions will align. Likewise, he knows when people attempt to fool others with acts while their hearts focus on the self. The Lord sees to the core of the individual and weighs their intentions. He measures their obedience, surrender, faithfulness, and commitment to him. The scales of the Lord are pure, perfect, and just. The scales provide a perfect and fair assessment of one's condition before the Lord.  


We must understand the importance of assessing our hearts and entering the proper treatment to deal with the influence of the flesh upon our lives. The treatment begins with the recognition of the condition. We must own the fleshly condition in our lives. We must assess our intentions as we analyze the actions of our lives. When we recognize the heart's condition, we can implement the needed corrective treatment.

Once we recognize the issue, we must seek repentance. The treatment of repentance occurs when we turn away from the fleshly condition and step toward the ways of the Lord. Repentance includes seeking forgiveness and the commitment to live for Christ. The step of commitment must consist of adding guidelines for our hearts to protect us from the threat of the flesh. Thus, we must seek continual treatment to live in a manner that reflects Christ.

We must understand the importance of analyzing our hearts. We must strive to live in a manner that our actions occur from the motivation of a pure heart. Solomon reminds us that the Lord does not base our obedience on actions alone but that he investigates and measures the heart for purity and obedience. If the Lord measured your heart today, what would the result be?


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