The Importance of Spiritual Discipline

Daily Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 22-24

Daily Focus Passage: Proverbs 23

Solomon knew the importance of spiritual discipline in one's life. He wrote, "Apply yourself to discipline and listen to the words of knowledge." (Proverbs 23:12). This statement of truth centers on setting guardrails in life and pursuing a life of righteousness before the Lord. Solomon grasped the reality that we become easily distracted and wooed by the flesh without discipline. Thus, Solomon charged us to understand the importance of spiritual discipline.

When we consider the practice of spiritual discipline in our lives, we must recognize the key practices that aid in developing our spiritual maturity. Several books and other resources exist that expand on the development of various spiritual disciplines. For the purpose today, here are four primary spiritual disciplines.

First, we must practice the discipline of ENGAGING GOD's WORD. The engagement with God's Word includes reading the Bible, memorizing Scripture, and meditating on the truth of God's Word. The discipline to read God's Word places one in God's revelation about himself and his work to us. As we read the Bible, we must strive to memorize critical passages. The discipline of memorization places the Word of God in the heart and helps one pursue the Lord and live in righteousness. At the same time, when we read the Word of God and memorize the Scripture, we must also spend time reflecting and meditating on the Word of God. This time of meditation allows the Holy Spirit to bring illumination to the text and aids in the process of placing the Word of God at work in life.

Second, we must practice the discipline of INTENTIONAL PRAYER. We must grasp a proper understanding of prayer. Prayer is not a time of reciting a memorized line before the Lord, providing a list of grievances and wants to the Lord, or speaking to God alone. Prayer occurs when the real me has communication with the real Thee. This approach indicates that we seek the Lord intending to speak to and hear from him. We must be intentional with a prayer to practice this communication from the pit of the valley and the mountain's peak. We must learn to patiently wait for the Lord to speak as we seek him. The more we practice genuine prayer, the deeper our ability to communicate with the Lord develops.

Third, we must practice the discipline of CHURCH WORSHIP. Spiritual discipline must never be relegated to attending a worship service on Sunday. Instead, worship must happen every day of our lives. At the same time, part of spiritual discipline is the commitment to gather with the local body to worship, serve, and hear from the Lord. The Bible commands that we not neglect the gathering of the local body. The Bible speaks to the need we have for a community of faith. These expectations occur when we dedicate ourselves to worship within the local church setting. This discipline strengthens our bond with other believers and deepens our worship of the Lord.

Fourth, we must practice the discipline of SERVING. When we serve the Lord, we mature in our spiritual walk. Serving the Lord requires the sacrifice of the desires of the self and the commitment to complete the calling of the Lord upon one's life. The ability to serve faithfully happens when we love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength and love our neighbor as ourselves. The act of serving develops a sense of obedience and community. Participating in serving the kingdom of God promotes spiritual maturity.

Solomon understood the importance of practicing spiritual discipline. Spiritual discipline promotes deepening one's relationship with the Lord and spiritual maturity. When you consider the activities of your life, how are you practicing spiritual discipline faithfully? Which disciplines are easy to carry out? Which disciplines are difficult to carry out? How can you set a course to grow in spiritual discipline?


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