Building in the Lord’s Name

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Kings 5; 2 Chronicles 2-3

Daily Focus Passage: 2 Chronicles 2

Solomon knew the Lord called him to construct the Temple. Solomon did not desire to build the Temple for his name's sake but sought to erect the Temple in the Lord's name. He constructed the Temple to engage the Lord in worship and celebration. He built it to serve as the place of sacrifice and dedication. Solomon's intent centered on building and constructing in the Lord's name. When we consider what we construct, do we build in the Lord's name?


Solomon did not intend to gain any recognition for the construction of the Temple. Solomon’s sole desire centered on the glorification of the Lord. He wanted the Lord to receive all honor, praise, and acknowledgment. Solomon led the construction of the Temple with a pure heart and proper motive. He set a model for how we must seek to build our lives. We must strive to construct our lives as the Temple that brings glory, honor, and recognition to the Lord.  


Solomon arranged for the people to serve the Lord with their abilities. The people's use demonstrated Solomon's desire to be used by the Lord and to encourage others to serve the Lord through their gifts and skills. Solomon knew serving together far outweighed serving alone. Today, we must continue to seek to serve the Lord and to serve along with others. We must strive to use our gifts and abilities to serve the Lord in faithfulness.  


Solomon knew the Temple would serve as a place of central worship. The sacrifices and traditions would take place at the Temple. Solomon knew the construction of the Temple would bring worship to the Lord and be the place of worship. When we construct our lives, we need to attempt to worship the Lord and be an avenue that helps others come into the activity of worshiping the Lord. We need to gain focus on worshipping the Lord in all that we do.  


Solomon wanted the Temple to serve as a place where people's lives would be impacted. He wanted them to engage the Lord and experience a life affected by the presence of the Lord. Solomon knew that the impact of the Temple stretched beyond Jerusalem and would impact many. When we construct our lives in the Lord, he uses us to impact those in our immediate influence and those around the world. When constructing our lives in the Lord, we must desire to impact the world.  

Solomon led the people to construct the Temple. Solomon did not desire to gain the completed Temple's recognition but only to bring the Lord glory. He understood that the building of the Temple allowed people to serve the Lord as they constructed the place they would gather and worship. The Temple would serve as a place that would impact the people and charge them to serve the Lord in faithfulness. When you consider how Solomon constructed the Temple, do you seek to construct your life with the proper intention, the desire to serve, the intention to worship, and the hope to impact the world?


Lord Help Me To Walk In Your Way


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