Lord Help Me To Walk In Your Way

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Kings 7-8; 2 Chronicles 4-5

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Kings 8

Solomon led the people to complete the construction of the Temple. Upon completion, Solomon dedicated the Temple to the Lord and the service of the Lord. Solomon included a request on behalf of the people while dedicating the Temple. He requested that the Lord provide the ability to walk in faithfulness as a people before him. This request modeled the importance of seeking the guidance and work of the Lord to walk in faith.


Devotion marks the ability to remain faithful to another no matter what one faces. Solomon asked the Lord to provide the needed devotion to remain faithful to the Lord. Solomon recognized the threats and temptations that surrounded him in the world. He knew that he would need to rely upon the Lord to remain devoted to the Lord. The concept of devotion reveals that Solomon desired to live for the Lord with his whole heart. A wholehearted approach to living for the Lord includes withholding nothing and giving everything to the Lord. Have you asked the Lord to help you remain devoted to Him? 


Solomon sought to walk according to the ways of the Lord. The ways of the Lord differed from the ways of the world. The world established a path by what seemed right in the eyes of humanity. God established what was genuinely the right path by providing that which is authentically righteous and true. Solomon knew he needed the guardrails from the Lord to remain on the path ahead and trusted that the Lord would clear the path for him to follow. By seeking the Lord for help in walking, Solomon recognized that the path of the Lord outweighed every other approach in life. Have you asked the Lord to provide a clear path to follow his ways? 


Solomon understood that the Lord provided commands and statutes for life. These commands and statutes did not exist as suggestions but extended to humanity as absolute truths. He understood that the ways of the flesh would tempt him to disobey the Lord because the flesh is set against following the Lord and seeks to follow the self. Solomon requested that the Lord provide the ability to follow the statutes of the Lord and, as a result, live a life of righteousness. He knew the Lord would provide the needed strength and wisdom to carry out the commands of the Lord and that following the commands would reveal faithfulness to the Lord. Have you asked the Lord to help you remain faithful to his statutes and obedient in carrying out his commands?

Solomon desired to follow the Lord. He also knew that following the Lord was a difficult task. Thus, he sought the Lord in prayer and requested help to remain devoted completely to the Lord. He desired to live wholeheartedly for God and not a life of division. He sought help to walk according to the Lord's ways and live a life that fulfilled the commands and statutes of the Lord.


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