The Way of Holiness

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 33-35

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 35

Believers received the command to be disciples who make disciples in Matthew 28. The command given by Jesus came as a directive and not a suggestion. As a disciple, a believer must develop in their relationship with the Lord and pursue to live in holiness. This call to believers was also given to Israel's people by the prophet Isaiah. In Isaiah 35, the prophet declared the importance of walking according to the ways of the Lord, which is the way of holiness.


The prophet Isaiah calls the people to follow the ways of the Lord in obedience. Obedience occurs when the follower of Christ hears the truth of the Lord, receives the direction of the Lord, and follows the Lord. Obedience happens when we serve the Lord as he directs and overcomes the temptation to disobey. The way of obedience is a life dedicated to obeying the Lord's expectations, declarations, will, and way. Is your life walking down the way of obedience? 


The prophet challenged the people to live in faithfulness to the Lord. A life of faithfulness lives in complete trust of the Lord and continues forward even when the path seems unclear. Faithfulness manifests itself in wholehearted devotion to the Lord and the faithful life of the believer. The way of faithfulness reveals what we depend on in life and what we seek to find purpose. Are you walking down the path of faithfulness? 


The prophet declared that the people of the Lord must strive to journey down the way of peace. Jesus called believers to live as peacemakers. The way of peace sets the stage for unity, patience, and harmony. As believers, we must strive to be at peace with one another. Peace does not mean agreement, but it does mean unity and harmony despite disagreements. When you travel the way of peace, you cannot control the other people you encounter; thus, you must journey the way of peace to seek peace as best you can. When you analyze your life, are you progressing toward peace? 


The prophet spoke of the way of promise. The way of promise provides the hope needed to continue journeying the path toward eternity. The way of promise does not exist because of one's ability or strength, but the path exists because the Lord is faithful to his character and is a promise giver and a promise keeper. He promises his children life everlasting, his presence, and his strength. The promises of the Lord provide us with the hope to navigate the difficult journey of life.

The Lord calls us to live as disciples. He wants us to pursue him and travel through obedience, faithfulness, peace, and promise. We must strive to remain faithful on the path and seek to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. As you consider Isaiah 35, how are you journeying toward the Lord?


The Prayer of Deliverance


The Lord Waits to be Gracious