The Prayer of Deliverance

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 36-19

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 37

In Isaiah 37, King Hezekiah seeks the Lord on behalf of the people for deliverance from the enemies. The prayer centered on the complete trust in the greatness and strength of the Lord. Hezekiah obeyed the Lord and lived a life of faithfulness. So when the enemy approached, the king went to his genuine source of hope. The prayer of deliverance by King Hezekiah sets a model for believers today when we come to the Lord in a time of trouble.


Hezekiah did not consider himself as one with complete authority or rule. He gave that position to the Lord. Hezekiah approached the Lord by declaring his greatness and character. He acknowledged the Lord’s position as high and holy. He declared the rule of the Lord as Creator and Sustainer. Hezekiah understood the Lord to be the One, True God. This acknowledgment reveals Hezekiah’s understanding and relationship with the Lord. Today, when we approach the Lord, we must come to the Lord in humility. We must declare his greatness and authority. The prayer of deliverance must begin with proper acknowledgment of God’s greatness.


Hezekiah knew the Lord already understood and was aware of the situation he and the nation of Israel faced. The ability to communicate the situation allowed Hezekiah to verbalize to the Lord the dynamics going on. Hezekiah approached the Lord with the request for the Lord to listen and see what Hezekiah faced. This request does not provide information the Lord is unaware of but reveals your understanding of the plight. Hezekiah makes clear his understanding. Today, we must follow Hezekiah’s example and communicate with the Lord. We must remember that the Lord desires to hear from his children.


Hezekiah asked for the Lord to deliver him from the dire situation. He did not request selfishness but made the petition of the Lord to reveal his greatness to the Lord so we can approach the Lord and make our request to him. Hezekiah asked for deliverance but did so with the intent not for personal gain but for the glory of the Lord. Ultimately, Hezekiah desired for the Lord to work mightily and that he would be known by the people. We must desire to make the request to the Lord and trust in the Lord to work according to his will and for his glory in the response.  

Are you walking through a time of difficulty? Are you facing various trials and pressures that require deliverance? Take a moment and seek the Lord. Approach him in awe of his greatness. Communicate with the Lord about your situation. Come to the Lord and request his work in your life. Learn to follow the model set forth by King Hezekiah when approaching the Lord with a prayer of deliverance.


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