Where To Find Value

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 40-42

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 40

Everyone seeks value in life. People want to feel established through various measurements that give them a sense of security, value, and purpose. Unfortunately, this pursuit often centers on people, places, and things of this world. This pursuit comes from the presence of materialism, pride, and self-worth. The prophet Isaiah speaks to the reality that genuine value and worth must come from the Lord and his Word in Isaiah 40.


The Reebok commercial stated, "Life's short; play hard." This slogan filled the airwaves with a message of living the temporary life to the fullest and not concern the self with what is to come. This commercial presented half the truth for life. We must know that life is short. The Bible teaches us that life is short and not guaranteed when we consider life. We do not live with the promise of life on this earth tomorrow. This reality often drives people to "play hard" by finding as much value in their lives as possible.

The Bible states that value that comes from the flesh is worthless. It holds no genuine value because it is temporary, fragile, and limited. The value comes from the eyes of the world and not from the Lord. Thus, we often overvalue our accomplishments and the material we own. Isaiah compares this to the grass and the flower that fade and whither. The value of this world does not last and will cease to exist. Jesus later discussed how the things of this world would rust and be eaten by the moth.

We must evaluate our lives and see if we are finding our purpose, place, and value in this world. Are we trusting in life's temporary treasures and pleasures that will fade away and leave us wanting? We must recognize that life is short, and if we merely play hard, we will be left with nothing.  


Isaiah counters the pursuit of value in the world by calling believers to find their purpose, place, and value in the Lord. The ability to see this comes when we engage and rest in the eternal nature of the Word. Isaiah tells us that the Word of God is timeless, theological, and trustworthy.

The Word of God is timeless in our lives. The Word of God is timeless. The Word provides us with information concerning the redemptive history of humanity that came from the Lord. At the same time, the truth offers us information on how to live in faithfulness before the Lord. It gives us truth principles that must guide our lives. These principles are timeless as they come to us from the eternal Lord.

The Word of God is theology for our lives. The Word of God tells us about the Lord. It reveals his character, attributes, and work. The revealing of these realities about the Lord gives us the needed revelation to know the Lord more significantly. When we allow the Bible to teach us theologically, we allow the Lord to teach us about himself. Thus, the Word of God draws us closer to the Lord. 

The Word of God is trustworthy in our lives. The Word of God is foundational in our lives and must be allowed to set the direction of our lives. We must rest in the Word and trust the principles and truth given as they are not guidelines of humanity but the directives of the Lord. Since the directives are of the Lord, we must trust them completely and without reservation.

Isaiah calls us to find our value and worth in the Lord. He declares that the Word of God provides the truth to live in the Lord and has his purpose for us. When we consider our lives, are we living for the now and in the flesh, or are we trusting in the Word of God and living for eternity?


Eternal Forgiveness


The Prayer of Deliverance