Tell the World

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 145; 1 Chronicles 26-27

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 145

David rejoices in the Lord in Psalm 145. This rejoicing centers on declaring to the world the faithfulness of the Lord. David exemplifies the importance of living in a manner that declares the Lord and tells the world about his greatness. Psalm 145 demonstrates at least four declarations we must strive to make about the Lord to the world.


David declared that the Lord’s greatness is unsearchable. This statement declares that the Lord’s greatness extends beyond what we can comprehend fully. We experience his greatness when we see the birth of a child or experience the vast beauty and awe of his creation. We see God’s greatness when we witness his work in our lives and the lives of others. God’s greatness extends from his holiness; thus, we must tell the world of his great and holy character.


David announced the greatness of God’s mercy to the world. Mercy occurs when someone stops giving the punishment to someone who deserves further punishment. When David declares the mercy of the Lord, he proclaims the removal of the divine judgment deserved because of sin. The mercy of God offers a way that the eternal punishment we deserve is removed. When we experience God’s mercy through Christ, we must announce this to the world so that others would hear of God’s mercy and know of its offer.  


David proclaimed God’s grace along with God’s mercy. Grace is the opposite of mercy. Mercy is the withholding of what is deserved, and grace is the giving of what is undeserved. David recognized that he did not deserve the favor or blessing of the Lord. Yet in grace, the Lord worked mightily in David’s life and blessed him tremendously. David’s experience with God’s grace left him telling the world about God’s grace. In Christ, we are offered to receive the life we do not deserve because of God’s grace. When we experience the grace of the Lord, we must respond similarly to David and proclaim God’s grace to the entire world.  


David recognized the steadfast nature of God’s love and made this steadfastness known. Steadfast love is longsuffering and does not exist based on the edds and flows of life. Instead, steadfast love endures and remains. The steadfast love of God means that God continues to extend his love to us even when we are quite unlovable. In John 3:16, we hear of God’s steadfast love that formed the avenue to eternity. Once this love is experienced, we must tell the world and offer them the opportunity to experience it.

When we experience the Lord authentically, we must rejoice in him and make him known to the nations. We must never become silent but declare his greatness, mercy, grace, and love. When you consider your life, do you see these characteristics of the Lord present? What is hindering you from declaring these to the world?


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